

Integral somatic Psychology®



Havening is a powerful and effective psychosensory therapy that facilitates healing of emotional trauma, promotes self-regulation and builds resilience. Havening techniques use our inherent biological/neurological system to provide relief, improvement or healing on both a physical and mental/spiritual level.

Through therapeutically applied and pre-arranged physical touch (gentle stroking movements) in the area of the arms, hands and face, the dominant brain frequencies are changed to delta waves, while at the same time a release of helpful hormones takes place (serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine and GABA).

The users of Havening have a variety of so-called process interventions at their disposal, from which – depending on the individual objective and concrete need for change – a choice can be made, and which can be combined with each other as desired.


Application for:

  • psychogenic / chronic pain

  • phobias

  • separation and mourning

  • persistent grief

  • depressive moods

  • resolution of stressful emotions

  • trauma

  • multiple or complex traumas

  • fear of loss

  • chronic stress

  • lack of self-esteem

  • addictive disorders

  • panic disorder / generalized anxiety disorder

  • generalized anxiety

  • presentation, speech, and contact anxiety

  • emotional, physical and / or sexual abuse

  • PTSD / uncontrollable anger

  • eating disorders and compulsions

Strengthening resources

Although Havening was a classic trauma therapy at the beginning of its development, the area of resource strengthening was quickly added through the growth of process interventions, so that Havening is now also used for:

  • Coaching (business, life and personal)

  • Reconciliation with the inner child

  • Strengthening courage

  • Increasing self-confidence

  • Increasing confidence and optimism

  • Improving self-discipline

  • Sports mental training

  • Optimizing one’s own flexibility

  • Increasing creativity

  • Demanding learning, memory, and recall skills

  • Memory and concentration training


Integral Somatic Psychology™?

Integral Somatic Psychology™ (ISP) aims to increase the effectiveness of treatments in psychological work by increasing the involvement of the dimensions of body, energy, and perception.

Body, energy, and perception determine, facilitate or inhibit us in all aspects of our human experience: thinking, sensing, feeling, remembering, imagining, verbal and non-verbal behavior. The more we can consciously perceive the individual levels within us that facilitate or restrict our experience, the more we can work with them and the greater the potential for improvement.” (Raja Selvam)

ISP connects very well with my work “Bodydialog”. The integration of split-off parts, the illumination of physiological symptoms and the work with emotions and energy flow result in a synergy.


Myofascial Release?

Myofascial release is a form of physical therapy commonly used to treat myofascial pain syndrome. Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain disorder caused by tenderness and tension in the myofascial tissues. These tissues surround and support muscles throughout the body. The pain usually originates from specific points within the myofascial tissue called “trigger points”.


This method supports the work with held emotions that have already led to symptoms. It is about the liberation of energy congestion on the fascial level. That means we treat ourselves or through my touch and support the process of energy flow.